Iced coffee
Iced coffee Cappucinno 250ml
We have combined our high-quality milk in different proportions with coffee to get three special flavors that we are sure will delight consumers. We suggest the Cappuccino flavor to those who like to feel the touch of Italy with the perfect combination of coffee and fine milk foam. You can grab your favorite Meggle Iced Coffee on the way to work or fax, while hanging out outside, before or after recreation, or while driving. Perfectly balanced and cool taste of coffee, fresh mountain milk and a little sugar, will be a real refreshment and energy boost during the hot summer days, but also on any other occasion when you feel the need for coffee.
Nutrition facts per 100g:
262 kJ / 62 kcal
1,6 g
Saturated fat
1,0 g
8,7 g
8,7 g
3,2 g
0,2 g
milk 95%, sugar, coffee ingredients 1,5% (coffee exstract 60%, sugar, flavor, thickener: carrageenan). Sterilized milk drink with coffee extract. Caffeine content 23 mg/100 ml.
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